Story About Us

Who are we?

New Hope Relief (NHR) is an aid and development charity whose sole objective is to provide humanitarian services to the most needy. We strive to try to alleviate poverty, provide relief and impart education to those in need….

Urgent Cause

We need your help

LET’S STOP THIS HUNGER AND FULFIL THEIR HAPPINESS Education is the road that children follow to reach their and full their potential in life.Yet many children in need, around the world do not get a quality education where they can learn and develop. To advance learning, Save the Children, supports...




With your help the Invest in One Child Campaign empowers children to succeed by supporting their access to education. Every £1 you give, sends a child to school for 1 day

Cause List

We Need Your Help

LET’S STOP THIS HUNGER AND FULFIL THEIR HAPPINESS Education is the road that children follow...

Student Sponsorship

The majority of students attending JamiaDarulUloom Swat (JDUS) and Jamia Public High School (JPHS) come...

Orphan Sponsorship

Orphans are some of the most vulnerable members of society. NHR supports many orphans residing...


New Hope Relief’s primary focus is on developing and improving the educational standards of children...

Social Works

In our work we try to use only the most modern, convenient and interesting solutions. We want the template you downloaded look unique.

Benefit description

In our work we try to use only the most modern, convenient and interesting solutions. We want the template you downloaded look unique.


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What people say about us


I am very glad, that i continue my education with the support of NEW HOPE RELIEF. When i complete my education i will support children like me, to educate them. Thank you so much to NHR team.


I am very glad, that i continue my education with the support of NEW HOPE RELIEF. When i complete my education i will support children like me, to educate them. Thank you so much to NHR team.


New Hope Relief, really give me a new hope. Now I am able to achieve my life goals.We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

We Need You!
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Become a part of our family. Together, we can save many lives and stop this hunger.

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